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December 18th – Post op day 1

December 18th, 2020: post op day 1
The morning check-up call came in about 9 o’clock.  She had an accident and peed her cage during the night.   She wasn’t feeling too comfortable before they left last night and had to up the anesthetic.  In the morning she did eat some food being hand fed.  They’ll be slowly pulling her off the morphine and we will be good to pick her up at 5 o’clock.
Pick-up time: After going through the typical check out – wound care, medication, what to look for, etc it’s time to bring out our little girl.  She could not have been happier to see us and get out of that office.
Unfortunately she rushed to get into the car before we could stop her and stumbled and struggled to get into the backseat. That was very difficult to watch.
I don’t know if it’s adrenaline or stress but she will not settle down.  She just does not know what to do herself and doesn’t know where she wants to be.  She’s stumbling between the living room and our bedroom where her bed is.  Two hours later and she has completely exhausted herself.
She’s drinking so much water.  Drank a whole bowl as soon as she got home and another full bowl a couple hours later.  Took her outside to go pee but had to lift her down the three stairs because she refused to go down.
Once on the grass the poor thing was so exhausted that she laid down on her belly to pee. She did make it up the stairs on her own with support from me.  I made this sling while passing the time when she was in surgery and it came in so handy.
She has taken her medication like a champ and even ate her evening meal.

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